Friday, February 3, 2012

EDUC 6814 Game Design: Thoughts... Jim Gee Video

To begin with, I rarely hit the pause button, or go back and watch videos to just hear something said again, and again. But, that's exactly what I did with this particular video.  Jim Gee's words and thoughts are profound and created a stir in my thoughts and emotions.  His comments that referenced changing the types of assessments that we administer in order to design a curriculum that involves deeper learning, innovation and problem solving are right on target.  Most educators are waiting for the paradigm shift to take place in the education system in regards to assessment/testing.  Watching this video provides hope.  Due to companies and businesses providing 24/7 customized learning, and knowing that this method is putting pressure on current schools, then quite possibly we will see a change. Finally, his comments about teaching specific content for numerous weeks then giving a test at the end, holds true for many classrooms at this point.  His point about video games; you learn, and pass levels, quite possibly after hours and hours of playing, and would you give someone a "final" test?..of course not.  So why do we think it is best practice to have our students memorize facts, over an extended period of time, then assess?

1 comment:

  1. Well said! I'm looking forward to how the game you design you help you assess content learning without a test! :)
