Wednesday, February 15, 2012

EDUC 6305 Advanced Educ.Tech. Blog Post #1 Personality Activity 20

According to the Myers and Briggs Personality Type assessment, my code is ENTP.  My temperament is Rational-Inventor and I also researched my Best Job Fit based on my code.  The description is accurate to a certain degree.  For example, each characteristic listed might fit into categories such as "always", "sometimes" or "rarely".  Then, these would have to be ranked according to situation.  After reviewing my temperament, as a Rational-Inventor (utilitarian-abstract) , I have to agree that I speak about new problems that I'm facing or interested in, and how these problems will be solved on a regular basis.  Maybe this is in part because I'm an educator?  Educators are always facing new challenges, finding a solution as quickly and efficiently as possible.  On a side note, during a lunch conversation (actually today), the discussion of working in small groups and committees arose. Some tend to believe that completing the task on your own is more efficient.  Of course others feel the need to collaborate. Maybe placing group members together according to their personality assessments would be a good idea and solve this debate?  :)

NETS-T:   Teachers engaging in relevant self-assessments are exhibiting professional growth and leadership.
Professional growth will lead to the effective use of resources and directly impact student learning.
5.   Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
c.   Evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning.

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