Thursday, February 16, 2012

EDUC 6305 Advanced Educ.Tech. Blog Post #2 Personality Activity 20

After completing the Jung Typology Test, my results indicated a close match with the Myers-Briggs personality type.  As with the Myers-Briggs, I'm considered to exhibit a Rational temperament. The Jung typology test describes my personality as a Field Marshal. The Field Marshal is an almost perfect match to how I view myself.  While reading the portrait of a Field Marshal, I found myself repeatedly nodding yes, yes, yes....   In order to be an effective leader to students, it's imperative that teachers understand themselves.  I believe that quite often teachers teach students based on how they learn and function best.  It's important to understand that different personalities exist and students need for teachers to be aware, and instruct accordingly.  To lead a group of teachers or principals, knowing yourself and being able to tease out the best in others is a quality of good leadership.  In summary, an awareness of individual differences is key to interacting, obtaining quality work, and finding the best fit for possible committees or positions.

NETS-T:  Teachers participating in self-assessments are modeling digital-age learning , participating in professional growth and development, and  using resources to guide in the design and planning for students.

3.  Model Digital Age Work and Learning

d. Model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate,
and use information resources to support research and learning.

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