Monday, February 20, 2012

EDUC 6305 Advanced Educ.Tech. Jing Screencast

Looking for a way to incorporate micro-blogging into your curriculum?   Watch Microblogging with Edmodo!

To create this digital movie without a digital camera, use the Jing feature "capture video".   The user selects a region or area to be recorded.  The area is chosen by clicking and dragging the "rectangle" to make a capture.The options for saving a capture are: (1) Choose save from the Jing toolbar menu to save to your device (2) a specific url is created, copied to your clipboard and ready to be pasted in a new tab  (3) Click "share via screencast"  this allows your Jing video to be uploaded to your library, located at To retrieve my screencast (1) it depends on where I choose to save (pictures, desktop, etc...) (2) Go to and choose share;  a link and/or an embed code are generated by To share with others, I have the option of embedding a code into blogs, webpages or emailing the link.   Jing also creates a hyperlink that is copied to your clipboard, which can be pasted anywhere.  Jing videos are saved as (swf), this file extension indicates a small web format, used for embedding videos, and playing flash animation files.

Teachers using Jing are designing and exploring creative applications of technology to promote student learning.  Jing would allow teachers to model digital-age work and learning by providing screen captures and videos to deliver content.  I have found screen captures especially effective when describing a lengthy process. For example, screen captures that assist students setting up a blog can be beneficial.

2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessment
    a.  design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity
Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

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