Thursday, February 9, 2012

EDUC 6305 Advanced Educ.Tech. Word Clouds Activity #18

NETS-T   2000

NETS-T  2008

The rapid changes and advancement in technology and digital integration in the classroom required a change in the language of the NETS-T.  Even though the original nets-t set the stage for technology integration, I feel that because technology has changed and student use has changed, the nets-t 2008 addressed the demand for correlation.  When comparing the wordles, I notice the 2008 language seems to address a framework that is designed to create situations for "web 2.0 experiences".  For example, "global, resources, societal, attitudes, responsibility, contemporary, evaluate, evolving, experience" are terms that would be addressed by teachers designing activities centered around a 21st century environment.  Also, if we look closely at the language and compare 2000/2008 to Bloom's Digital Taxonomy, the 2008 language is at the upper level of the pyramid, indicating higher level thinking skills. 

NETS-T:  By implementing the NETS, teachers are using standards to design relevant learning experiences and assessments.  Wordles are an example of using digital tools and resources to promote student creativity.

2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments  

a.  design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote  
           student learning and creativity.
d.  model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and 
      use information resources to support research and learning.  


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