Friday, April 6, 2012

EDUC 6814 Revised Scratch Project: Backyard Adventure

Storyboard: Backyard Adventure

Backyard Adventure Revision 1
(Glitch worked out.. project now posted in gallery)

After reading peer reviews, I've made a few revisions to the storyboard and my interactive story.  To make the ending more interesting, my main character, Pip, now says, "I've won!", he glides to the Golden Acorn and when the space bar is pressed the sound effect "Triumph" is played.  Some additional text has also been added. I will continue to revise before the final due date.  I appreciate the peer feedback and suggestions.

Even though revisions have been made, I've made numerous attempts today to upload my project to the scratch website gallery. This is the first time that I've had this issue.  I've compressed sounds and images and checked my file size.  To troubleshoot, I tried to upload one of my previous projects (again) and it failed to upload.  I'm guessing there is a problem with the Scratch website.  


  1. After looking at your game from last week, and reading your about your revisions, I think you've got an excellent project completed. I think the only thing I would add would be some background music. I like the concept of your game, and how you incorporated multiple concepts (reading, puzzles, etc) into the game.

  2. You have a very detailed game. Great revisions, but I agree that you could use some sound effects throughout your game. Great job!
