Tuesday, April 3, 2012

EDUC 6305 Advanced Educ.Tech. APA Paper

The requirement for the APA Paper consisted of submitting the final copy through Blackboard to our instructor.  The completion of this project required knowledge of Excel and APA format.  To be successful, I had to review our Excel 1 and 2 activities.  The challenging part of this assignment was pretending to submit to a journal and follow APA.  In addition, I had many Excel sheets with data.  In hindsight, I will learn to organize more information on one sheet.

ISTE-T:  3.  Model Digital Age Work and Learning : Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.  Teachers modeling digital age work and learning are demonstrating fluency in technology and applying knowledge to new situations.  Dis-aggregating data, and writing research in APA format displays the teacher's ability to communicate relevant information and ideas using a variety of digital formats.

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