Monday, April 9, 2012

EDUC 6305 Advanced Educ.Tech. Pecha Kucha Activity #30

Mary Jo's Pecha Kucha: 21st Century Teaching and Learning

Mary Jo's Pecha Kucha: 21st Century Teaching and Learning was created to share with Introduction to Instructional Technology students.  I enjoyed reading about the formation, creation and purpose of Pecha Kucha.  I plan to assign a Pecha Kucha to my Instructional Technology students.  The guidelines for formatting a Pecha Kucha assist the creator in being concise and clear.  I'd like to see photostory have an option for moving from slide to slide without the clicking noise.  However, photostory is very user friendly, I've used photo story with 5th grade and higher education students.

ISTE-T:  2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS-S.
Teachers modeling and implementing PowerPoint, Voice recording and PhotoStory are providing the opportunities for authentic learning experiences.  When students are able to create multimedia products, they are engaged in relevant and creative assignments.

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