Wednesday, April 18, 2012

EDUC 6814 Action Research Plan

School:  Fairmont State University   
Grade Level:  Higher Education  
Subject:  Instructional Technology
Title:  21st Century Teaching and Learning with a Focus on Media Literacy
Data:  Qualitative - Blog Artifacts/ Reflections, Open-Ended Surveys, Portfolio
Potential Number of Students:  25- 30
Tentative Date for Implementation:  Fall 2012
Research-based Strategy:  Marzano- Cooperative Learning through a Web-based Environment
Marzano's Instructional Strategies


  • How can I use direct teaching of cooperative learning through a web-based environment to improve pre-service teachers' knowledge of  Media Literacy in a 21st Century teaching and learning environment?   
  • How will this strategy affect pre-service teachers' perspectives of their ability to teach in the 21st Century classroom?

* I've included a link below to a Google Doc with APA format for all resources (The APA format was not aligned once posted to blog, hence the link to the Google Doc)

APA References


1 comment:

  1. I really like the idea you email me about concerning video games and literacy. I like the term "digital literacy" and support your use of it in your Lit review. However it is a controversial term and you may need to use the "literacy" or "media literacy" to find useful articles. You may consider the focus of your review to center on the question: How can video games support literacy development in school?

    I have found a few resources that might be helpful:

    Video game literacy

    Video Game Literacy - A Literacy of Expertise

    Hope this helps!
