Friday, July 13, 2012

EDUC 6809 Modifications to WebQuest

I plan to modify the existing WebQuest, Think Outside the Box, to "Hey Kids, What's in your cereal bowl?"
Students will work in teams using a variety of digital tools for collaboration and creation of a digital media project.  The final project will be presented to and assessed by teachers, peers, and community members.  The original rubric will be modified to include criteria for video production, presentation skills, and a comment section for peer reviews.  The overall goal of the project is to create a fictional cereal, cereal box design, and a commercial video with students as actors.  Students will:

  •  watch pre-selected youtube videos (youtube videos may need to be downloaded through realplayer for students to view videos in classroom)
  •  use Edmodo to post links for (google docs, VoiceThread - cereal box designs, and digital story links)
  • choice of using photostory, animoto, or imovie (if students have a preference for another format, it will be considered)
  • video cameras will be provided for students to record commercials with student actors
  • Note:  Students will have prior knowledge to use the tools mentioned above before completing the WebQuest
Significant differences include using an online microblogging platform to collaborate, construct, and evaluate media projects, instead of printing worksheets to be completed by the group.  Also, the original WebQuest only suggests to complete a video commercial, if time.  My WebQuest requires a creative production, a commercial with student actors.  Too, the original requires students to print templates, and I will avoid hard copies, and require google docs for editing, collaborating, and decision-making.  Note: Students will have existing google accounts.
Google docs will be used for answering questions posed by teacher throughout the webquest, and the construction of the script for commercial. VoiceThread will be used to post the cereal box design images for comments and critiques by teacher and other class members. 
Students are familiar with Edmodo and will use the site as a course blog for interacting, posting links and rough drafts to receive teacher and peer feedback.

The final presentation will consist of students describing the process of their creation, and audience members viewing and assessing the video commercial. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the title! Amazing uses of digital media to upgrade this WebQuest! Looking forward to viewing the video you will create as an example for students!
