Monday, July 2, 2012

EDUC 6809 Final Draft Media Ecology Case Study

Final Draft of Media Ecology Case Study


  1. Both our case studies do alot of geeking out. They both love playing online games and love learning about new moves and cheat codes. Its amazing to me what bright kids can do with their computer time.

  2. I think searching for answers online is a great way to learn new and interesting things. Using Google search engine is great for students to know how to do. Also shopping online and finding the best price is a great feature as well. Almost everything is available online and I think it is important for young people to learn these skills.

  3. I loved the ebay story! This young man has a lot to teach us! It is very sad that his computer use was so limited this past year. Sometimes I think that designing simple games is a great Web 2.0 approach. We sould also add a "Cheat Code" component. It seems to be a common theme!

  4. I really enjoyed reading your case study. I have a 17 year old son and was surprised when he told me that they really never got to use the computers at school except for writing papers. I asked him what other technologies they had at school, and he told me that the computer lab was it! I teach second grade and the school where I teach has two 30 count Apple Laptop labs, a 30 count IPOD lab,and two 30 count IPAD labs, ALL portable. We also have an Apple lab (with a computer teacher) and two computer labs for teachers to use for integration. I am surprised that our high school age students do not receive much/more technology instruction. Your statement about students being "hampered" by a read-only approach really begins to make sense, and I agree with you.
