Monday, July 2, 2012

EDUC 6809 Finding a WebQuest

Think Outside the Box - WebQuest 
This WebQuest will be used with fifth grade students. Standards will be used from the Reading/Language Arts and Social Studies curriculum.
This particular WebQuest, Think Outside the Box,  has great potential for implementing digital tools, digital media products and digital tools for peer collaboration.  As I was reading the WebQuest, the ideas began forming!  The Introduction and Process is clearly defined and organized, but the changes to the Introduction, Process, and Task will reflect a new literacies classroom.

Overall Visual Appeal: Appropriate graphic elements are used to help understand the concepts of assignment. Easy to read text, and visually appealing. Background does not interfere with readability.
Navigation and Flow: Organized, and easily navigable.  Well -Structured and easy to follow.
Mechanical Aspects: No mechanical problems noted.
Motivational Effectiveness of Introduction: Engaging introduction, and authentic. (Will change the setting in my WebQuest and add a video)
Cognitive Effectiveness of Introduction: Provides several links to prepare students for challenge.
Connection of Tasks to Standards: The Standards were not available/not listed on the WebQuest pages.
Cognitive Level of the Tasks: Task is doable and engaging, and elicits thinking that goes beyond rote comprehension. The task requires synthesis of multiple sources of information, and/or taking a position, and/or going beyond the data given and making a generalization or creative product.
Clarity of Process: Every step is clearly stated. Most students would know exactly where they are at each step of the process and know what to do next.
Scaffolding of Process: Activities are related and designed to take students to a higher level of thinking. 
Richness of Process: Some separate tasks or roles assigned. More complex activities required.
Relevance and Quantity of Resources: There is a clear and meaningful connection between all the resources and the information needed for students to accomplish the task. 
Quality of Resources:  Varied resources provide enough meaningful information for students to think deeply.
Clarity of Evaluation Criteria: Criteria for success are clearly stated in the form of a rubric.  (However, Rubric will need modified to reflect evaluation of new literacies, possibly in a qualitative manner. )

1 comment:

  1. This is a great WebQuest! I'm glad you chose a WebQuest with a design task! Very 21st century! so much potential here for the integration of digital media! Looking forward to the final product!
