Monday, July 2, 2012

EDUC 6809 Learn about WebQuests

I've provided a link for my worksheet evaluations for the WebQuests in step one, "Learn about WebQuests".  The role I've chosen is:  Technophile

WebQuest about WebQuest Activity Evaluation Worksheet

The two best WebQuests from the Technophile point of view would be Ancient Egypt and Creative Encounters.  Both provide the students with working links, visual appeal, some animations, and some form of digital tool use, and digital media presentation. However, neither WebQuest provides a digital tool for collaboration with peers. The two worst WebQuests from the technophile point of view would be Landfills and Poetry of War. Landfills could have been completed by students with paper and pencil and no links are provided. Poetry of War includes links, but does not require digital tools, nor digital media presentations. Niether Landfills nor Poetry of War included videos, animations, or digital tools for collaboration.

1 comment:

  1. Good analysis of these WebQuests from a Technophile perspective!
