Friday, June 1, 2012

EDUC 6816 Wikipedia Article on Global Warming

Step Two: Read the first section on Global Warming.

Step Three: What stance on Global Warming does the article appear to take (ie. caused by humans, or a naturally occurring event; will have catastrophic implications)?
The article implies that Scientists are more than 90% certain the Global Warming has been caused by the greenhouse gas effect caused by humans burning fossil fuels and deforestation.  The article also states that if emissions of greenhouse gases continue, sea levels will rise, precipitation patterns will change, deserts may expand, glacier retreat will continue, possible species extinction, and the limits for human adaptation in some regions will be exceeded.

Step Four: Continue reading the Wikipedia article and chose a claim to verify (i.e since 1979, land temperatures have increased about twice as fast as ocean temperatures). 
“The Northern Hemisphere warms faster than the Southern Hemisphere because it has more land and because it has extensive areas of seasonal snow and sea-ice cover subject to ice-albedo feedback. Although more greenhouse gases are emitted in the Northern than Southern Hemisphere this does not contribute to the difference in warming because the major greenhouse gases persist long enough to mix between hemispheres.”

Step Five: Using Google find two websites. One that supports the claim and one that disputes it. Use this Website Evaluation checklist to validate the sources. Post the information from the check list in a blog posting along with links to the sites.

This article supports the greenhouse effect.

This article disputes that greenhouse gases persist long enough to mix between hemispheres.  "Since all worldwide levels rose simultaneously throughout the same year, however, it is probable that this may be part of a natural cycle - and not the direct result of man's contributions."

Website Evaluation Checklists:  (I created google docs with the information)

Step Six: Click on the "Talk link" at the top of the Wikipedia Page. What does it mean that this article and its editors are subject to General Sanctions?   Administrators may impose one or more specific restrictions (as listed in each individual case) on editors.

Step Seven: Scroll down to the frequently asked questions section. Choose one of the questions and read the answer. Verify the answer using another online source. Link me to the source. Is the information presented in the answer to the question reasonably accurate? 
Q3: Did global warming end in 1998?

The answer on the Wikipedia page, refers to the fact that climate changes,
and scientists do not use a “few” years as a trend. The article that I’ve provided the link for, also suggests that it is natural for climate to change.

Step Eight: Below the FAQ section read the section titled "Back to old lede". This is where Wikipedia editors explain their edits to the page and justify their decisions. Does reading this section increase your understanding of Wikipedia as a reliable source of information? Why? or Why not? 

I think that it is important to know about this section when using Wikipedia. This section allows the editors to explain and justify the facts of the article with input or dispute from anyone.  I feel this is a valid section promoting the reliability of the article and holding the author(s) accountable.

Step Nine: Kim D. Petersen (talk) is one of the editors for the Wikipedia article on Global Warming. Click on her name to see her profile. Then read her "talk" page. Again how does this information make you feel about the credibility and validity of information on Wikipedia.

His profile page lists the award “Veteran Editor”.  At first glance on his page, you see the voluntary restrictions in place.  Also, his background includes; computer system administrator and software engineer, amongst other qualifications. He has spent 6 years contributing to Wikipedia.  Honestly, I can’t say with any certainty that reading this talk page helped with my belief or non-belief of the credibility and validity of Wikipedia.  I would have preferred more information about the author on the talk page.

Step TenHow do think Wikipedia could be integrated into classroom activities. What do you think about using Wikipedia as a source of information instead of textbooks? Post an image that represents your views on Global Warming. 

First, students need to be taught about all the components or sections of a Wikipedia page and the meaning of each section.  Second, choosing a specific topic and allowing groups of students go through the same steps as the assignment, would help students understand the reasoning behind Wikipedia. Also, you could choose a topic and actually have students research the topic and contribute to the Wikipedia article.  Using Wikipedia is a great example of critical medial literacy skills being used!  Wikipedia is definitely an updated resource, unlike some textbooks students are forced to use with outdated information. Wikipedia offers links, resources and input from people with different viewpoints.  Here is a link for using Wikipedia in the classroom and learning the wiki process:

1 comment:

  1. ooo Like your image! Thanks for the link to using Wikipedia in the classroom! Another resource for 2201 and this class!
