Friday, June 15, 2012

EDUC 6816 TrackStar Activities

Activity # 1 - Review of TrackStar Examples

The TrackStar examples are excellent choices for each indicated grade level and focus on real world or engaging issues.  First, students are required to view and read different perspectives on the same topic which encourages comparing and contrasting information.  Also, these instructional TrackStar activities promote informational literacy skills based on higher order thinking skills.  Each example uses  “language” that requires the student to synthesize, defend, judge, analyze, and create and communicate information.  How many activities do we actually use in our classrooms that require our students to perform the aforesaid?   In addition to the TrackStars teaching our students to develop and implement informational literacy skills, teachers planning and constructing these activities are learning to recognize students as multimodal learners.    Lastly, each TrackStar example requires students to use critical media skills to locate, evaluate, and communicate information in an ethical manner and through a transparent process.  

Activity # 2 - My TrackStar Rough Draft
TrackStar: What is the best structure for a classroom: "Walls" or No "Walls"?
This TrackStar requires Pre-Service Teachers to explore the use of Web 2.0 tools in the classroom. Should educators "open" their classrooms to a Global Society?

1 comment:

  1. I think this a great project for 2201 students! I especially like that you have students read the comments on the blog posting to get an understanding of different perspectives on the issue. I would like for you to find a site that is more obviously anti technology in school. There are some private schools that ban technology. Remember that article we read about the anti technology school in California...
