Tuesday, June 12, 2012

EDUC 6809 Media Ecology Case Study: Interview Questions

Identify a young person between the ages of 8-18 and schedule an interview. Post the name of your young person (use a pseudonym) and a brief description of your relationship to the person and any prior knowledge of them as an individual, student, and their use of digital media. Also post some of your ideas for interview questions. If you already know something about their use of digital media your questions may be specific to that use. Record the Interview or take extensive notes while you interview.

Media Ecology Case Study
Age 17
Relationship:  Son
Austin is a 17 year old boy, and just finished his junior year of high school.  He began playing video games and using software for games on the computer around age 3.  His experience in creating digital media products is most often a result of classroom assignments.  He enjoys listening to music on his ipod and downloading music to his phone.  His phone provides the necessary features for his preferred types of communication.  Surprisingly, he has never expressed an interest in belonging to Facebook.  Austin’s interactions are mostly between a small group of friends.  He is enrolled in an AP Literature course and (I’m) really excited about his summer assignments.  The course requires participation in a Course Blog over the summer, and creating a “news notebook” of current events.  Austin plans to learn how to use Google Sites to create his “news notebook”. 

Questions for an Interview:
What devices/media technologies have you owned, and what are your present devices/media technologies?
If you had to rank your devices/media technologies in order of use, what would the list “look” like?
If you could purchase 3 new devices/media technolgies, what would they be?
If you had to choose only 1 device, what would it be, and why?
What kinds of thing do you use the computer for?
Do you do this at home or school?
What is your favorite thing to do on the computer?
What is your favorite game on the computer? Why?
What is your favorite xbox game? Why?
Do you discuss video games with your friends?
What type of learning do you think takes places while playing video games?
How do you use the computer at school?
How did you learn to do that?
Do you find yourself helping others with computer skills, or do you ask a lot of questions?
What is your favorite subject in school?  Could this subject be more engaging through the use of devices?
What are your school policies regarding devices? Do  you agree or disagree?
Do you feel that adequate access is provided at school for computer use?
If you could change something about computer use in school what would it be?
Do you have rules at home about device use?
If you could change something about your home use of devices what would it be?
Do you feel as if your parents are “old school” and don’t understand how young people use media?
Since you don’t participate in Facebook, do you often hear conversations about what is posted on Facebook?  Do you feel left out of the conversation?
What is your opinion of teachers having a Facebook account and students as friends on FB?
Why do you think friends at school want you to follow them on Twitter?
What is your favorite genre of music, and how do you acquire songs?
What are your favorite t.v. shows?  Do you discuss t.v. shows with your friends?
What do you know about copyright laws, downloading media for personal use, etc…?
Do you feel as if learning takes place when you are randomly searching on the computer?
I'm aware that you like to solve puzzles, or use problem solving skills. Do you feel that devices/media technologies provide opportunities for critical thinking?  If so, give some examples?
Also, I know you enjoy reading and writing.  What opportunities are provided that enhance your strengths through using media technologies?
What if you were told that your Senior year of high school would change, no face to face classes, all classes would be online?  How would you feel?

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding questions! This could be a very important case study as your son does not participate in Facebook. There is not a lot of research on students who chose not to participate in social network sites. Keep in mind that the case studies we have read were conducted during 2004-2008. It is now 2012 so I wonder if other technologies are now taking the place of Facebook....I'm really looking forward to reading your case study!
