Friday, June 22, 2012

EDUC 6816 Final Track Star and Reflection

My TrackStar: "Walls or No Walls" in the Classroom

I believe the strengths of my TrackStar are the multiple perspectives presented, and the requirement for students to synthesize, defend, analyze, and judge the different perspectives.  Hopefully, this TrackStar will inspire students to continue researching the different views of using technology in the classroom, and develop an awareness of deconstructing websites.  As students evaluate websites the process of making sense of what they are reading/viewing is taking place, and then communicating the findings is an end result.  Also, when thinking about information literacy, we are including problem-solving skills.  Problem-solving is not unique to one particular subject area, problem-solving extends across all subjects, and every day issues. In conclusion, teaching students research skills with the purpose of locating, applying and distinguishing between relevant and not-relevant are valuable skills for life-long learning.

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