Monday, June 4, 2012

EDUC 6809 Illuminated Text Revision 1


  1. Your Illuminated text made me think about my true friends.
    You should consider changing/adding/taking out some of the timing of your animation.
    What I like best about your Illuminated Text is that the music really set the mood.

  2. Your Illuminated text made me think about....
    having a special bond with some friends
    You should consider changing/adding/taking out....
    I felt that the pop of the hearts, all at once, was out of keeping with the rest of the animation.
    What I like best about your Illuminated Text is....
    The background is very "Eleanor" and the color brings it into the 21st Century.

  3. Your Illuminated text made me think about.... Great Quote! True friends
    You should consider changing/adding/taking out.... I think its great!
    What I like best about your Illuminated Text is....Animation and music choice

  4. Your illuminated text made me think about my friends. I have no real suggestions for changes. I thought it looked good. I really liked the "people" in the first slide.

  5. Your Illuminated text made me think about the people who have been and are in my life (thanks).
    You should consider changing/adding/taking out..I don't have any suggestions.
    What I like best about your Illuminated Text is the message and color selections.
