Friday, September 30, 2011

Week 6 Lesson Plan: Is Superman Really All That Super? Critically Exploring Superheroes

Trading Cards:  Super Heroes

RLA.  differentiate and apply comprehension strategies in literary and information texts to draw conclusions, predict, use context clues and summarize

RLA.O.5.1.10  compare and contrast text connections to self, to other texts and to world cultures in literary and informational texts

RLA.  create an age-appropriate media product that demonstrates format, purpose, and audience

Students will be gathering, evaluating and analyzing data to communicate their discoveries in ways to suit their purpose and audience.

Can integrating media literacy into your classroom activities help prepare your students for taking the WESTEST?
 Yes, if you are teaching the higher levels of Bloom's Taxonomy effectively then you will be able to prepare your students for testing.  My personal belief is that if you find engaging, relevant, authentic activities for your students that promote critical thinking skills, foster the development of these skills, your end result will be independent thinkers and learners.

1 comment:

  1. I like your emphasis on "higher order thinking"! Many teachers underestimate the level of sophisticated thinking many of the standardized test questions require. So when they "teach" to the test the focus on lower level thinking skills and students end up being ill-prepared.

    Not your students though!!!!!!!
