Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Corporate Media Attack on the American Workforce?

Century Link

The tactic of branding has a pervasive influence on the American worker and consumer.  As we become more aware of critical media skills and strategies, we should be able to analyze and evaluate what corporate media attacks are being used to empty our wallets and raise the unemployment rate.  The Quest becomes CenturyLink commercial is presented in an appealing, everyone work together, raise your "status" format.  What is not shown in the commercial is the hidden message that merger or bigger doesn't mean better for the American worker.  The commercial does not mention the potential loss of 660 job positions within Quest, the overcharges for internet service, and the unavailability to rural customers.
Personally, I've had experience with merging companies advertising high speed connections, better rates, and reaching more customesr. But, for some reason they haven't seemed to reach my house! Since I reside in a rural area it is a constant struggle that comes with letter writing, phone calls, and being put on a waiting list.  Unfortunately, we have to accept the one offer available for internet service and pay the price.

1 comment:

  1. And this is done purposefully since rural communities lack political and economic power to demand better service!
