Thursday, September 15, 2011

Magazine Cover Deconstruction Week #4 Esquire...

1. What do you think about this person based on the cover of the magazine? How does he look?  How does he make your feel?  Arnold looks wealthy, healthy and he reminds of "Uncle Sam" saying, "I want you"!  His expensive looking ring, fitted suit, straight white teeth, manicured nails and smile instill a sense of power.  His clothing color would be considered very patriotic. 
2 What is the main purpose of this magazine?  Esquire magazine targets an audience of men.  If men are known to read this magazine, then  Men's fashion, trends, political news, interviews, automobiles, women models and being in the spotlight are probably important.
3. Describe who you believe is the magazine's intended readership.  Men in politics, powerful business positions and men that are striving to attain position in society.
4. What lifestyles, values, points of view are represented or omitted?  Again, using Arnold, an icon to symbolize power.  Patriotic values, being well-dressed and groomed, the red, white and blue text representing a commitment to country.  The caption that states, "The Next Governor of California. Really."  By placing "really" as a separate statement, can be viewed as an act of confirmation.  

1 comment:

  1. I like how you paid attention to the proximity between words and how they influence meaning!
