Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Old Spice will transport You to the Ocean? (Commercial Deconstruction)

Old Spice was originally owned by the Shulton Company and purchased by Proctor and Gamble in 1990.  Their advertising is centered around the nautical theme.  This particular commercial was part of a three day campaign by Proctor and Gamble to garner 6.7 million views in a 24 hour period and create a viral online video campaign that included the "star" of the commercial to blog and answer online questions.
I believe that the target audience for this commercial is lower to middle class, women and men (teens to adults), and any ethnicity. However, the message seems to indicate that the "ladies" should go out and buy the product for her man possibly indicating that the woman does the shopping.   The clean, spacious bathroom, water running for aesthetics, muscular, beautiful man, smiling to indicate happiness, that is demanding attention from women with a towel wrapped around his waist are part of the visual and audio tactics to appeal to the viewer.   The tropical scene, the ocean, the yacht, white-horse (most likely depicting a knight in shining armor) is used to create a sense of calmness and romanticism.  I believe that the hidden message is that if your significant other uses Old Spice, they will look like the model. (The Beautiful People tactic - Language of Persuasion)  An upper-middle to upper class lifestyle is presented through the use of clothing, the yacht, horse-back riding on a beach in a tropical area.  Also it is assumed that tickets (probably to a sporting event, will not be used and replaced with diamonds, if your man uses Old Spice.  The text, "Smell like a man, man" is suggesting that you will be a man if you use the product.  The only positive message that I can assume is one of practicing good hygiene.  The negative message is that people that use old spice will have a particular look, body style and economic status.  Also, that the viewer may feel that their "man" isn't good enough if he doesn't measure up to the old spice man.   This commercial may empower people that already use Old Spice, have a well honed body and can afford to buy Old Spice.  It may disempower people with poor self-body images, unable to afford Old Spice, and question their relationships.  The media maker's interests are served due to what some in society believe to be the acceptable way to "look", it will make them go out and buy the product and in some way feel as if they are "supporting" or making a connection with the model in the commercial. If you want more information about Proctor and Gamble or the history of Old Spice you can go the proctor and gamble website and read financial information, supporters, etc...

Old Spice Video Message

The Man Your Man Could Smell Like. (2010, February 5). In Youtube. Retrieved September 7, 2011, from


  1. Very nice analysis! I watch the commercial. It's one of the reasons I watch very little T.V now. Did you read the comments underneath! Pretty hilarious and offensive. I feel like many people are wising up to the overt manipulation of corporate media. But obviously not enough...

  2. The first thing I thought when I watched this commercial was that the man is very arrogant! But of course this characteristic was part of the marketing strategy. The commercial makes you think that if a woman gives her man old spice, anything is possible and that possibly their relationship would have more romance.

  3. Commercials like these just make me roll my eyes. It's like women are little puppy dogs, doing anything to make their man happy. Like buying him Old Spice will make him love her? I just don't get how people can buy into these commercials.

  4. I like how you mentioned the white horse as a representation of "a knight in shining armor". All body washes/colognes geared toward men are advertised in the same manner: "Wanna be sexy, sophisticated, and utterly irresistible to women? Buy this product"

  5. Wow! When I watched this commercial. I was like really, this guy is so full of his self. It makes me think of those men who think they are above everyone else. After watching this commercial I would not want my man wearing Old Spice because I would not accept him acting like that!

    Great Pick!
