Thursday, September 15, 2011

Magazine Deconstruction Week #4

1. What are the differences between the two covers? What techniques are used to attract your attention? Pay attention to body language, clothing, camera angle, lighting, color, eye contact ect. How do the difference influence what you think and feel about the person.  Arnold looks younger in the Fitness cover, his dark glasses, serious face, light hitting one side of his face, shadows are on the scarred side, maybe indicating "good boy, bad boy" image.  You can't see his eyes behind glasses, depicting mystery.  The Esquire magazine shows a few wrinkles, possibly indicating experience.  He is cast in and surrounded by red, white and blue colors, and font.  His eye contact indicates that he is "talking to you".  Pointing finger, just like Uncle Sam saying, " I want You"!  He is smiling indicating happiness, and an invitation that extends he is open to communication. This picture suggests that he is intelligent.  The fitness picture doesn't make me feel as if he is ready to represent anyone in politics.  

1. What do you find appealing or not appealing about the cover of the magazine?   I find the fitness cover more appealing than the Esquire. The Esquire picture gives me an uneasy feeling, maybe because I'm viewing this picture after what has transpired in the news recently?
2. What elements in the design make it appealing or not appealing?  Both covers use colors to attract the viewer, font size and color, in-style clothing, and lighting that highlights specific body features.
3. What elements are included on the cover to sell this magazine? Consider title, imagery, sensationalized headlines, exclusive articles, secrets, gossip, free gifts, and celebrity news.  Fitness:  Promises of quick fixes to fitness, Staying out of the gym could indicate saving money, and exclusive interview with Arnold.  Esquire:  The patriotic font and clothing, the headline: Man at his Best, with a beautiful, scantily dressed woman beside Arnold.  The headline by Scott Raab, ..the dead body in the foyer.. and the promise of telling you what the best music is available to buy.
4. Describe the type of content in one issue. Fitness:  Fitness equipment, supplements, exercise routines, and an interview with Arnold.
5. What products or services are advertised in the issue?   The overall of theme of becoming physical fit.
6. What lifestyle, values and messages are being promoted by the contents in the issue?  Stressing that it is seen as a sign of power and popularity to be fit, well-dressed, and tough.  Also, if you use Joe Weider products you too, can look like Arnold.
7.Describe the demographics for what you think may be the magazine’s intended target readership. Consider age, sex, interests and socioeconomic status: Middle-aged Men, middle to upper class, interested in fitness, politics, fashion and trends.
8. What features of the magazine indicate to you that this is the intended readership?   The almighty powerful icon, Arnold is used on both covers.
9. What personalities or celebrities are used to promote this magazine?  Arnold Schwarzenegger
10. Are these personalities or celebrities promoting or challenging stereotypical messages? How?Definitely promoting stereotypical messages.  For example, strong men, well-dressed, and groomed make great politicians.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting that the magazine covers were created a month apart in 2004 when he was running for governor. It really is amazing how images can be created that reflect two very different messages!
