Tuesday, May 22, 2012

EDUC 6809 Literacy Autobiography Post # 3

Hey now you're an All Star get your game on, go play
Hey now you're a Rock Star get the show on get paid 
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the mold

The "All Star" song by SmashMouth is important because it was a song that my son (when he was about 7) and I would listen to almost every single time we got into the car.  We'd sing this song together repeatedly.  It held meaning in the sense of the message that I tried to convey to my son.... "Everyone has the potential to be successful and find happiness, you don't have to follow in someone else's footsteps, be your own person and be the star that breaks the mold."   When I see a shooting star, I can't help but think of this song, and the time spent talking and singing with my son.  He's 17 now, and I'm sure if we would hear this song, the singing would be begin....  (by the way.... we listened to it on a cassette tape!)  


  1. OMG! It's already been 10 years! Love that song too! Great message!

  2. A song that always makes you feel upbeat.

  3. That is a great memory to have and one you could never replace. I'm sure your son thinks so too!

  4. I have a 17 year old son too, and we also love that song.

  5. I have a 41 y/o son, he was into KISS. What agreat memeory, cherish forever.

  6. I would have to relate with everyone else and think "Memories". Which then makes me think of the quote "God gave us memories so that we might have roses in December."

  7. My daughter is 25 and an English teacher. Recently she gave her students an assignment and they were to associate songs from their past with people or events. She completed the assignment also to share with them. She texted me later in the day to give me the list of songs she assigned to me.....it made my day!

  8. I am a song fanatic and when thinking about this song it reminds me of 4-H, it was around the time this song came out that I received my All Star pin. Love this song.

  9. I could totally invision you and your son singing out loud in the car. This is a really great song with great meaning.

  10. My daughter will be 8 this week. We jam out to Lady Gaga - can't imagine how embarrassing that will be to her in 10 years.

  11. WOW! I have never really thought about what this song is saying. Great quote!
