Tuesday, May 22, 2012

EDUC 6809 Literacy Autobiography Post #1

"After all tomorrow is another day" - Quote from movie Gone with the wind by Vivien Leigh 
This particular quote from Gone with the Wind helps me to realize that even though things can seem very rough, that tomorrow brings a new start.  A great friend of mine, wrote this quote inside a card (approximately 10 years ago) and gave it to me at just the right time.  When things seem stressful, I often find myself chanting this quote over and over.


  1. I have a similar mantra that reduces my stress and worry. "If its not happening it's not happening."

  2. This movie is always at the top of every list I see that ranks movies.

  3. That is a very true quote to help get through the day.

  4. This quote transends generations. There will always be a tomorrow, don't want to ponder the alternative

  5. Think of this quote the next time you are wondering what will be next!

  6. What a wonderful friend you have!

  7. This is a great quote, we can think of this positively or negatively, however it's all in our minds as to how we want tomorrow to be because by the time it's here today is already in the past.

  8. You have a very thoughtful friend that would include this quote into a card. We all need to remind ourselves that "Tomorrow is another day."

  9. I often find myself overwhelmed at work. Sometimes I feel like I've gotten nothing done, when I look at all that is still on my desk. I remind myself - It'll still be there tomorrow.

  10. I have never seen this movie, but I would like to watch it now after reading your quote.
