Monday, January 23, 2012

EDUC 6305 Advanced Educ.Tech. Locus of Control Activity #10

To begin with, it seems that Locus of Control has a direct impact on student/teacher relationships.  Teachers tend to focus on learning styles of students, but how often do we examine or predict success based on Locus of Control?  Teachers administering a Locus of Control survey to students would have data that is beneficial to teacher and student.  Data that shows an external locus of control should be a flag to the teacher and lead to conversations with the student to gain a better understanding of why the student feels a learned helplessness.  Guidance should be given to the student about how best to deal with the current classroom setting, online or face-to-face.   On the other hand, students with an Internal Locus of Control with an optimistic outlook should be supported by the teacher.  This support would include helping the student maintain a level of optimism and self-control.  Students with a very strong Internal Locus of Control could easily represent narcissism and need guidance as well.

As a student, not only interpreting the results of a Locus of Control survey, but “what” to do with the results in an online/face-to-face classroom setting  would seem to be directly correlated to achievement.

My Locus of Control Score:  17  (Internal Locus Control)
The Locus of Control survey questions that I struggled with were the questions that made reference to fairness in grading and studying for tests.   Reflecting on my personal experiences, being a teacher, and witnessing my son’s experience made the questions about fairness in grading and studying for tests difficult to answer.   It’s quite possible that since this survey is a “snapshot” of what is happening now, my answers to the above mentioned questions were indicative of “in the moment feelings”.

Qualifiers that seemed to be present were:  Age, Gender, Occupation
This score seems to be valid at this point in my life.  I would find it intriguing to have taken this survey at a much younger age.

According to NETS-T, teachers engage in professional growth and leadership.  Requiring students to complete the Locus of Control survey would show teachers evaluating and reflecting on research, and making effective use of a digital tool.

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