Sunday, November 13, 2011

Multi-layered Woman (First Draft)


  1. Your images, words and music work well together tell a symbolic yet powerful story of your mother life!

    The first two scenes "My mother was 15 years old" "So my Grandparents adopted me" is emotionally compelling and does a good job making us want to know more about your mother's life!

    My only suggestion is that it wasn't clear at the beginning if the mother you were talking about was your mother or your mother's mother.

    I think the issue is that it's not clear who the speaker is at first, you or your mother. I'd be interesting to her what other think.

    Overall your digital story is excellent! I felt emotionally connected the whole way through!

  2. I think you did a great job creating this story. I loved the pictures you used and especially the song. I think they helped set the mood for your story. I was also unclear about who the story was about. Other than that I really enjoyed listening to your story.

  3. Your digital story made me think about.....
    your life experiences and how much you have gone through in a lifetime.

    One thing you might think about changing is.....
    telling your story, instead of using the slides with words on it. I know it's more work but it might be nice to hear the emotion of your experiences in your voice.

    The best thing about your digital story is.....
    the music you chose, and the way you told your story through pictures that depicted your various moments in life.

  4. You did a great job finding images that tell the story. I also really love the music that accompanies it. It really seems to fit. Your mother sounds like a very interesting person!
