Thursday, March 29, 2012

EDUC 6305 Advanced Educ.Tech. Self Grading Form Activity # 29

Creating the Solar System Quiz as a self-grading form was my first experience with self-grading in Excel.  Watching the video with instructions was helpful, but I also searched for other online demonstrations for self-grading.  I believe the more you use this method, the more efficient you will become.  I added a few extra formulas to my Self-Grading Form spreadsheet; class average and total points. I will use this activity in the future, and also introduce other teachers to the self-grading method.

NETS-T:  Teachers using self-grading forms are modeling digital-age work and learning.  Fluency in Google forms and spreadsheets is being demonstrated and communicated effectively.  In addition, modeling the effective use of digital tools and resources to analyze data is addressed.

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