Monday, March 26, 2012

EDUC 6305 Advanced Educ.Tech. Google Forms Activity# 28

My first experience with Google forms was actually about two years ago.  A colleague introduced Google forms to me, and I couldn't wait to use the forms with our staff.  So, instead of everyone signing up for a covered dish to bring to the end of the year celebration on a sheet of paper, I sent out a Google form for each person to list their item of choice. I emailed the link to the form and the the spreadsheet, so they were able to view all items for the celebration.  Since then, I use Google forms whenever possible (especially since it's free)!
Creating the 21st Century? form in Google was the first to time for me to create a form about something of personal interest. I decided to base my form on "Are you 21st Century?"  I'm interested in what people think 21st Century learning "looks" like.   Once responses are collected, you are able to view responses on the 21st Century Spreadsheet. There are several ways to share Google forms and spreadsheets. Links can be emailed or placed on websites.  For example, links can be placed on a school's homepage/website, facebook, myspace, diigo, blogs, portaportal, google+, Edmodo, and the list goes on....  Forms can be emailed to parents, or placed on the school's webpage.  The Google form can also be embedded.  For example, I've embedded forms on Google Sites, and in blogger.  The process of embedding includes, copying and pasting the embed code into the new document.  You are able to get the embed code, by viewing the spreadsheet and clicking "form", the drop down menu appears with choices to embed, send , view, etc...  A key factor in creating your form, is to make sure that you share the form. It's up to you as the creator to either make your form public, private, or share with specific contacts/email addresses.  To create Google forms, the user must have a google username and password.  However, you do not have to own a google username/password to complete the forms.  In closing, creating a form (to collect your information), and viewing a separate spreadsheet is an efficient 21st Century way of collecting information.  A feature I find helpful is Google's ability to "house" the documents owned by me and shared with me.  My preference to view forms and spreadsheets is to go to my g-mail page, click on documents, and view the list.  This is how I access all of our assignments for this class.

NETS-T:  Teachers creating and using Google forms are demonstrating fluency in technology systems and using digital tools and resources to collaborate and communicate.  Google forms may also be used to analyze, evaluate, and use information to support research and learning.
3.  Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
a.  demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer current knowledge to new technologies and situations
c.  communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats
d.  model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning

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