Friday, October 14, 2011

Forever Young: Favorite Reel Works Video - Week 8

Click on the link below to watch the video:   Forever Young
Favorite Reel Works Video

1.  What do you like about the digital story? 
This story immediately grabbed my attention due to the fact that it was based on a topic that is relevant to most people.  Whether good or bad memories, our childhood plays an important role of who we are and childhood stories/memories are often referred to in conversation.    Using the format of actually writing to "your childhood" was an interesting way to approach writing.  In the future, I will use this format with my students.    Specific moments in the digital story that caught my attention were; whimsical music, childhood photographs, a box of memories, references to easy decisions, being carefree, easy solutions to problems, maturation takes away our childhood, and the child clinging to the adult's leg.
Actually, it probably grabbed my attention because my 16 year old is moving away from childhood, and I'm not ready. :)

2.  What did you learn from the digital story?

  •   The theme and point of view were articulated through the use of images, video, music and narration.
  •   The story was simply put, and the message was easily understood without an overload of information.
  •   The narrator's voice set the tone and mood of the message.  
  •   A short media message is able to convey a main idea to an audience and it's not always necessary to    require lengthy essays.

3.  How can digital storytelling promote critical media literacy?     To begin with, this particular digital story is a personal narrative. Using this type of storytelling in the classroom allows students to view experiences of other students to gain a better understanding of their personal point of view. Also, our "digital generation" students are creating media that allows for discussion and expression of emotions.Motivation, engagement and interest would be present due to the fact that students are creating an authentic project to be viewed, critiqued and judged by their peers.  In addition, communication skills are developed through students creating narratives, and expressing their opinions.  Finally, students are creating and presenting a digital story using the following literacy skills; research, writing, organization, technology, problem solving and assessment.

1 comment:

  1. This reminded me of the Picasso Quote:

    All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.
    Pablo Picasso
