Friday, October 14, 2011

DEJ # 8 Teaching Media Literacy: Yo! Are you hip to this?

Quote:  "Now that the culture is almost totally transformed by the compelling electronic and visual experiences that enter our living rooms each day, the ostrich stance seems more and more ridiculous. It's time to face up to the media culture we have created and the media culture we have consumed. It's time to help ourselves and our children to embrace and celebrate the messages worth treasuring, to analyze and understand the economic and political forces which sustain it, and to develop the skills and new habits we need to think carefully and wisely about the messages we create ourselves and the abundant messages we receive ."
Response:  Is it possible to put the above quote on a t-shirt?  :)  This particular article has made the largest impact on my thinking in terms of critical media literacy skills in the classroom.  The article managed to cover many concepts that I've been pondering during this course.  
  • How do we do this as teachers?  
  • What has to happen to make us feel comfortable discussing issues with our students that are of importance to them?  
  • Why hasn't critical medial literacy been pervasive across the U.S.? 
  • If we ignore it, our children will ignore it?
  • Why do we use newspapers in our classrooms to teach vocabulary, etc..and not analyze messages?
  • Why have students create videos that have been scripted and produced by the teacher?   
  • How do teachers become trained to incorporate media literacy skills in their classrooms?                     
I'm ready to travel to the few places in the U.S. to understand how critical media literacy skills are being implemented in school districts k-12.   

Hobbs, R. (n.d.). Teaching Media Literacy: Yo! Are you hip to this?. In Retrieved October 14, 2011, from
Calvin College Hekman Library openURL resolver
 Related Resource:    Renee Hobbs
I've provided a link to the Media Education Lab site founded by Renee Hobbs.  Since this article impacted my thoughts, I felt it was important to find and read other articles by this author.
(n.d.). In Media Education Lab. Retrieved October 14, 2011, from
Calvin College Hekman Library openURL resolver


  1. These are awesome questions. Every time I read your posts it has something new that I haven't thought about. Great job.

  2. This week's article was also one of the most meaningful to me that we've read. I hadn't thought about how often newspapers are used in the classroom without promoting critical media literacy skills, but now that I've read it, I know that I have seen it done many times.

  3. I like the quote about how the ostrich stance won't work anymore. I love visual metaphors, and I thought it was funny that you want to get a t-shirt made out of the quote. It's a pretty big quote, so make sure you put at least half on each side so people can read it.

  4. Like Rene Hobbs, I'd like to get a media literacy center going here at Fairmont State!!! You all can help!

    We could make a QR code for the quote and wear that on T-shirt!
